
A non-surgical injection to target fat below the chin for double-chin removal


injection under chin

Kybella is a revolutionary, FDA-approved treatment designed to reduce the appearance of a double chin. It works by injecting deoxycholic acid, which is naturally occurring in the body, into the fat beneath your chin. This helps break down and absorb the excess fat that creates the appearance of a double chin. At MD Spa, we are proud to offer Kybella as one of our treatments for double-chin reduction.

A Kybella treatment session takes only 15 minutes or less and requires no downtime or special care following injections. During the procedure, Kybella is administered under the skin using a very fine needle. The number of injections necessary will depend on how much fat you have underneath your chin and your desired results. Generally, up to 6 treatments are recommended for optimal results.

The effects of Kybella can be seen almost immediately following treatment. The results become more pronounced over time as the body continues to absorb the fat and your chin area begins to take shape. Results can last indefinitely with no need for maintenance or follow-up treatments in some cases.

At MD Spa, we recognize that safety is paramount when it comes to any cosmetic procedure. Kybella is a safe, non-surgical double-chin treatment option with minimal risk of side effects. As with all injectable treatments, there is a risk of swelling, bruising, redness and numbness at the injection site that should resolve within about 3 days after treatment. Our experienced team of professionals can assess your individual needs and help you determine if Kybella is the right choice for you.

If you are looking to reduce the appearance of a double chin, Kybella may be an ideal option for you. To learn more about this revolutionary treatment, contact MD Spa today and schedule your consultation with our experts. We can answer any questions or concerns that you may have about Kybella treatments and help create a personalized plan to achieve your desired results. Get ready to show off your sleek profile with Kybella!

kybella fAQ

How many treatments will I need?
Is there a recovery period?
Am I a candidate?
How long does Kybella last?
Does it hurt?

Before & After